Class TestCalculatedMembers

  extended by junit.framework.Assert
      extended by junit.framework.TestCase
          extended by mondrian.test.FoodMartTestCase
              extended by mondrian.rolap.BatchTestCase
                  extended by mondrian.test.TestCalculatedMembers
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TestCalculatedMembers
extends BatchTestCase

Tests the expressions used for calculated members. Please keep in sync with the actual code used by the wizard.

5 October, 2002

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class mondrian.rolap.BatchTestCase
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class mondrian.test.FoodMartTestCase
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class mondrian.rolap.BatchTestCase
cubeNameSales, fieldGender, fieldProductDepartment, fieldProductFamily, fieldValueProductDepartment, fieldValuesGender, fieldValuesProductFamily, fieldValuesYear, fieldYear, measureUnitSales, tableCustomer, tableProductClass, tableTime
Fields inherited from class mondrian.test.FoodMartTestCase
Constructor Summary
TestCalculatedMembers(String name)
Method Summary
 void _testWhole()
 void testBracketInCalcMemberName()
          Tests that calculated members can have brackets in their names.
 void testBracketInCubeCalcMemberName()
          Tests that calculated members defined in the schema can have brackets in their names.
 void testBugMondrian852()
          Testcase for bug MONDRIAN-852, "Using the generate command, cast and calculated measures causes ClassCastException".
 void testCalcMemberCustomFormatterInNonMeasureInQuery()
 void testCalcMemberCustomFormatterInQuery()
 void testCalcMemberCustomFormatterInQueryNegative()
 void testCalcMemberCustomFormatterInQueryNegative2()
 void testCalcMemberCustomFormatterInSchema()
 void testCalcMemberCustomFormatterInSchemaNegative()
 void testCalcMemberIsSetFails()
 void testCalcMemberParentOfCalcMember()
 void testCalcMemberSameNameDifferentHierarchies()
 void testCalcMemberTooDeep()
 void testCalcMemberWithQuote()
 void testCalculatedMemberCaption()
 void testCalculatedMemberChildren()
          Test case for MONDRIAN-335, "Issues with calculated members".
 void testCalculatedMemberInCube()
 void testCalculatedMemberInCubeAndQuery()
 void testCalculatedMemberInCubeViaApi()
 void testCalculatedMemberInCubeWithProps()
 void testCalculatedMemberInCubeWithSpace()
          Tests a calculated member with spaces in its name against a virtual cube with spaces in its name.
 void testCalculatedMemberMSASCompatibility()
 void testChildrenOfCalcMembers()
 void testCompoundSlicerOverTuples()
 void testCreateCalculatedMember()
 void testCycleFalsePositive()
          Test case for MONDRIAN-638, "Stack trace when grand total turned on".
 void testEarlierCalcMember()
          If there are multiple calc members with the same name, the first is chosen, even if it is not the best match.
 void testExponentialPerformanceBugMondrian608()
          Testcase for bug MONDRIAN-608, "Performance issue with large number of measures".
 void testFormatString()
 void testNegativeSolveOrder()
          Testcase for bug MONDRIAN-263, Negative Solve Orders broken.
 void testNegativeSolveOrderForCalMemberWithFilter()
          Tests that if a filter is associated with input to a cal member with lower solve order; the filter computation uses the context that contains the other cal members(those with higher solve order).
 void testNegativeSolveOrderForCalMemberWithFilters2()
          Tests that if a filter is associated with input to a cal member with higher solve order; the filter computation ignores the other cal members.
 void testNonCanonical()
          Tests referring to a calc member by a name other than its canonical unique name.
 void testNonCharacterMembers()
 void testNonTopLevelCalculatedMember()
          Test case for MONDRIAN-335, "Issues with calculated members".
 void testNpeInIif()
          Tests that IIf works OK even if its argument returns the NULL value.
 void testPropertyReferencesCalcMember()
 void testQueryCalcMemberOverridesShallowerStoredMember()
 void testQueryCalculatedMemberOverridesCube()
 void testQuoteInCalcMember()
          Testcase for bug MONDRIAN-137, "error if calc member in schema file contains single quotes".
 void testSetIncludesSelf()
          Tests a calculated member which aggregates over a set which would seem to include the calculated member (but does not).
 void testSimulatedCompoundSlicer()
          Query that simulates a compound slicer by creating a calculated member that aggregates over a set and places it in the WHERE clause.
 void testStrToSetInCubeCalcMember()
          Testcase for bug 1784617, "Using StrToTuple() in schema errors out".
Methods inherited from class mondrian.rolap.BatchTestCase
assertNative, assertNoQuerySql, assertNotNative, assertQuerySql, assertQuerySql, assertQuerySql, assertQuerySqlOrNot, assertRequestSql, assertRequestSql, checkNative, checkNative, checkNative, checkNotNative, checkNotNative, checkNotNative, createBatch, createBatch, createRequest, createRequest, createRequest, createRequest, dialectize, executeQuery, getCube, getFoodMartConnection, getGroupingSet, getMeasure
Methods inherited from class mondrian.test.FoodMartTestCase
allMember, assertAxisReturns, assertAxisThrows, assertBooleanExprReturns, assertExprReturns, assertExprThrows, assertQueriesReturnSimilarResults, assertQueryReturns, assertQueryThrows, assertSize, cubeByName, execute, executeExpr, executeQuery, executeSingletonAxis, genderMembersIncludingAll, getConnection, getDimensionWithName, getTestContext, isDefaultNullMemberRepresentation, isGroupingSetsSupported, member, productMembersPotScrubbersPotsAndPans, storeMembersCAAndOR, storeMembersUsaAndCanada, tearDown, warehouseMembersCanadaMexicoUsa
Methods inherited from class junit.framework.TestCase
countTestCases, createResult, getName, run, run, runBare, runTest, setName, setUp, toString
Methods inherited from class junit.framework.Assert
assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertFalse, assertFalse, assertNotNull, assertNotNull, assertNotSame, assertNotSame, assertNull, assertNull, assertSame, assertSame, assertTrue, assertTrue, fail, fail
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TestCalculatedMembers()


public TestCalculatedMembers(String name)
Method Detail


public void testCalculatedMemberInCube()


public void testCalculatedMemberInCubeViaApi()


public void testCalculatedMemberInCubeWithSpace()
Tests a calculated member with spaces in its name against a virtual cube with spaces in its name.


public void testCalculatedMemberInCubeWithProps()


public void testCalculatedMemberInCubeAndQuery()


public void testQueryCalculatedMemberOverridesCube()


public void testQueryCalcMemberOverridesShallowerStoredMember()


public void testEarlierCalcMember()
If there are multiple calc members with the same name, the first is chosen, even if it is not the best match.


public void _testWhole()


public void testCalculatedMemberCaption()


public void testCalcMemberIsSetFails()


public void testBracketInCalcMemberName()
Tests that calculated members can have brackets in their names. (Bug 1251683.)


public void testNpeInIif()
Tests that IIf works OK even if its argument returns the NULL value. (Bug 1418689.)


public void testBracketInCubeCalcMemberName()
Tests that calculated members defined in the schema can have brackets in their names. (Bug 1251683.)


public void testPropertyReferencesCalcMember()


public void testCalcMemberWithQuote()


public void testQuoteInCalcMember()
Testcase for bug MONDRIAN-137, "error if calc member in schema file contains single quotes".


public void testChildrenOfCalcMembers()


public void testNonCharacterMembers()


public void testFormatString()


public void testNegativeSolveOrder()
Testcase for bug MONDRIAN-263, Negative Solve Orders broken.


public void testCalcMemberCustomFormatterInQuery()


public void testCalcMemberCustomFormatterInQueryNegative()


public void testCalcMemberCustomFormatterInQueryNegative2()


public void testCalcMemberCustomFormatterInNonMeasureInQuery()


public void testCalcMemberCustomFormatterInSchema()


public void testCalcMemberCustomFormatterInSchemaNegative()


public void testStrToSetInCubeCalcMember()
Testcase for bug 1784617, "Using StrToTuple() in schema errors out".


public void testCreateCalculatedMember()


public void testSetIncludesSelf()
Tests a calculated member which aggregates over a set which would seem to include the calculated member (but does not).


public void testNegativeSolveOrderForCalMemberWithFilter()
Tests that if a filter is associated with input to a cal member with lower solve order; the filter computation uses the context that contains the other cal members(those with higher solve order).


public void testNegativeSolveOrderForCalMemberWithFilters2()
Tests that if a filter is associated with input to a cal member with higher solve order; the filter computation ignores the other cal members.


public void testNonTopLevelCalculatedMember()
Test case for MONDRIAN-335, "Issues with calculated members". Verify that the calculated member [Product].[Food].[Test] definition does not throw errors and returns expected results.


public void testCalculatedMemberChildren()
Test case for MONDRIAN-335, "Issues with calculated members". Verify that the calculated member [Product].[Test] returns an empty children list vs. invalid behavior of returning [All Products].Children


public void testCalculatedMemberMSASCompatibility()


public void testSimulatedCompoundSlicer()
Query that simulates a compound slicer by creating a calculated member that aggregates over a set and places it in the WHERE clause.


public void testCompoundSlicerOverTuples()


public void testExponentialPerformanceBugMondrian608()
Testcase for bug MONDRIAN-608, "Performance issue with large number of measures".


public void testCycleFalsePositive()
Test case for MONDRIAN-638, "Stack trace when grand total turned on". The cause of the problem were negative SOLVE_ORDER values. We were incorrectly populating RolapEvaluator.expandingMember from the parent evaluator, which made it look like two evaluation contexts were expanding the same member.


public void testBugMondrian852()
Testcase for bug MONDRIAN-852, "Using the generate command, cast and calculated measures causes ClassCastException".

The problem is in the implicit conversion that occurs when using a member as a numeric value. (In this case the conversion occurs because we apply the numeric operator '/'.) We have to assume at prepare time that the current measure will be numeric, but at run time the value may be a string.

We were wrongly throwing a ClassCastException. Correct behavior is an evaluation exception: the cell is in error, but the query as a whole succeeds.


public void testNonCanonical()
Tests referring to a calc member by a name other than its canonical unique name.


public void testCalcMemberParentOfCalcMember()


public void testCalcMemberSameNameDifferentHierarchies()


public void testCalcMemberTooDeep()

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