002// This software is subject to the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
003// Agreement, available at the following URL:
004// http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html.
005// You must accept the terms of that agreement to use this software.
007// Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Pentaho
008// All Rights Reserved.
010package mondrian.xmla;
013 * Constants for XML/A.
014 *
015 * @author Gang Chen
016 */
017public interface XmlaConstants {
019    /* SOAP 1.1 */
020    public static final String NS_SOAP_ENV_1_1 =
021        "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";
022    public static final String NS_SOAP_ENC_1_1 =
023        "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/";
025    /* SOAP 1.2 - currently not supported */
026    public static final String NS_SOAP_ENV_1_2 =
027        "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope";
028    public static final String NS_SOAP_ENC_1_2 =
029        "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-encoding";
031    /* Namespaces for XML */
032    public static final String NS_XSD = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";
033    public static final String NS_XSI = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
035    /* Namespaces for XML/A */
036    public static final String NS_XMLA =
037        "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis";
038    public static final String NS_XMLA_MDDATASET =
039        "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis:mddataset";
040    public static final String NS_XMLA_EMPTY =
041        "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis:empty";
042    public static final String NS_XMLA_ROWSET =
043        "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis:rowset";
044    public static final String NS_SQL = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-sql";
045    public static final String NS_XMLA_EX =
046        "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis:exception";
048    public static final String NS_SOAP_SECEXT =
049        "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2002/04/secext";
051    public static final String SOAP_PREFIX = "SOAP-ENV";
053    /*
054     * Soap Header mustUnderstand attribute name.
055     */
056    public static final String SOAP_MUST_UNDERSTAND_ATTR = "mustUnderstand";
058    /*
059     * Soap XMLA Header elements and attribute names.
060     */
061    public static final String XMLA_BEGIN_SESSION      = "BeginSession";
062    public static final String XMLA_SESSION            = "Session";
063    public static final String XMLA_END_SESSION        = "EndSession";
064    public static final String XMLA_SESSION_ID         = "SessionId";
065    public static final String XMLA_SECURITY           = "Security";
067    /*
068     * Names of context keys known by both callbacks and Mondrian code.
069     */
070    // context key for role name storage
071    public static final String CONTEXT_ROLE_NAME   = "role_name";
072    // context key for language (SOAP or JSON)
073    public static final String CONTEXT_MIME_TYPE = "language";
074    // context key for session id storage
075    public static final String CONTEXT_XMLA_SESSION_ID   = "session_id";
077    // Username and password tokens
078    public static final String CONTEXT_XMLA_USERNAME = "username";
079    public static final String CONTEXT_XMLA_PASSWORD = "password";
081    // context key for session state storage
082    public static final String CONTEXT_XMLA_SESSION_STATE = "SessionState";
083    public static final String CONTEXT_XMLA_SESSION_STATE_BEGIN =
084        "SessionStateBegin";
085    public static final String CONTEXT_XMLA_SESSION_STATE_WITHIN =
086        "SessionStateWithin";
087    public static final String CONTEXT_XMLA_SESSION_STATE_END =
088        "SessionStateEnd";
090    /*************************************************************************
091    *
092    * The following are XMLA exception fault codes used as faultcode entries
093    * in the SOAP Fault element.
094    *
095    * If Mondrian Exceptions actually used the "id" attributes found in the
096    * MondrianResource.xml file, then those would be used as the SOAP Fault
097    * detail error code values, but, alas they do not show up as part of
098    * the generated Exception Java code so, here we simply duplicate
099    * the fault code entry.
100    *
101    * Currently, SOAP 1.2 errors are not supported.
102    *
103    *************************************************************************/
105   /**
106    * This is the namespace used to qualify the faultcode identifier.
107    */
108    public static final String MONDRIAN_NAMESPACE = "http://mondrian.sourceforge.net";
109    public static final String FAULT_NS_PREFIX = "XA";
111    public static final String FAULT_ACTOR = "Mondrian";
113    // soap 1.1 default faultcodes
114    public static final String VERSION_MISSMATCH_FAULT_FC = "VersionMismatch";
115    public static final String MUST_UNDERSTAND_FAULT_FC = "MustUnderstand";
116    public static final String CLIENT_FAULT_FC = "Client";
117    public static final String SERVER_FAULT_FC = "Server";
119      //<faultcode>XA:Mondrian.XML.88BA1202</faultcode>
120    public static final String FAULT_FC_PREFIX = "Mondrian";
121    public static final String FAULT_FS_PREFIX = "The Mondrian XML: ";
123    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
124    // Unmarshall Soap Message : USM
125    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
126    public static final String USM_REQUEST_STATE_CODE = "00USMA01";
127    public static final String USM_REQUEST_STATE_FAULT_FS =
128            "Request input method invoked at illegal time";
130    public static final String USM_REQUEST_INPUT_CODE = "00USMA02";
131    public static final String USM_REQUEST_INPUT_FAULT_FS =
132            "Request input Exception occurred";
134    public static final String USM_DOM_FACTORY_CODE = "00USMB01";
135    public static final String USM_DOM_FACTORY_FAULT_FS =
136        "DocumentBuilder cannot be created which satisfies the configuration "
137        + "requested";
139    public static final String USM_DOM_PARSE_IO_CODE = "00USMC01";
140    public static final String USM_DOM_PARSE_IO_FAULT_FS =
141        "DOM parse IO errors occur";
143    public static final String USM_DOM_PARSE_CODE = "00USMC02";
144    public static final String USM_DOM_PARSE_FAULT_FS =
145        "DOM parse errors occur";
147    // unknown error while unmarshalling soap message
148    public static final String USM_UNKNOWN_CODE = "00USMU01";
149    public static final String USM_UNKNOWN_FAULT_FS =
150            "Unknown error unmarshalling soap message";
152    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
153    // Callback http header : CHH
154    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
155    public static final String CHH_CODE = "00CHHA01";
156    public static final String CHH_FAULT_FS =
157            "Error in Callback processHttpHeader";
159    public static final String CHH_AUTHORIZATION_CODE = "00CHHA02";
160    public static final String CHH_AUTHORIZATION_FAULT_FS =
161            "Error in Callback processHttpHeader Authorization";
163    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
164    // Callback Pre-Action : CPREA
165    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
166    public static final String CPREA_CODE = "00CPREA01";
167    public static final String CPREA_FAULT_FS =
168            "Error in Callback PreAction";
171    public static final String CPREA_AUTHORIZATION_CODE = "00CPREA02";
172    public static final String CPREA_AUTHORIZATION_FAULT_FS =
173            "Error Callback PreAction Authorization";
176    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
177    // Handle Soap Header : HSH
178    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
179    public static final String HSH_MUST_UNDERSTAND_CODE = "00HSHA01";
180    public static final String HSH_MUST_UNDERSTAND_FAULT_FS =
181            "SOAP Header must understand element not recognized";
183    // This is used to signal XMLA clients supporting Soap header session ids
184    // that the client's metadata may no longer be valid.
185    public static final String HSH_BAD_SESSION_ID_CODE = "00HSHB01";
186    public static final String HSH_BAD_SESSION_ID_FAULT_FS =
187            "Bad Session Id, re-start session";
189    // unknown error while handle soap header
190    public static final String HSH_UNKNOWN_CODE = "00HSHU01";
191    public static final String HSH_UNKNOWN_FAULT_FS =
192            "Unknown error handle soap header";
194    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
195    // Handle Soap Body : HSB
196    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
197    public static final String HSB_BAD_SOAP_BODY_CODE = "00HSBA01";
198    public static final String HSB_BAD_SOAP_BODY_FAULT_FS =
199            "SOAP Body not correctly formed";
201    public static final String HSB_PROCESS_CODE = "00HSBB01";
202    public static final String HSB_PROCESS_FAULT_FS =
203            "XMLA SOAP Body processing error";
205    public static final String HSB_BAD_METHOD_CODE = "00HSBB02";
206    public static final String HSB_BAD_METHOD_FAULT_FS =
207            "XMLA SOAP bad method";
209    public static final String HSB_BAD_METHOD_NS_CODE = "00HSBB03";
210    public static final String HSB_BAD_METHOD_NS_FAULT_FS =
211            "XMLA SOAP bad method namespace";
213    public static final String HSB_BAD_REQUEST_TYPE_CODE = "00HSBB04";
214    public static final String HSB_BAD_REQUEST_TYPE_FAULT_FS =
215            "XMLA SOAP bad Discover RequestType element";
217    public static final String HSB_BAD_RESTRICTIONS_CODE = "00HSBB05";
218    public static final String HSB_BAD_RESTRICTIONS_FAULT_FS =
219            "XMLA SOAP bad Discover Restrictions element";
221    public static final String HSB_BAD_PROPERTIES_CODE = "00HSBB06";
222    public static final String HSB_BAD_PROPERTIES_FAULT_FS =
223            "XMLA SOAP bad Discover or Execute Properties element";
225    public static final String HSB_BAD_COMMAND_CODE = "00HSBB07";
226    public static final String HSB_BAD_COMMAND_FAULT_FS =
227            "XMLA SOAP bad Execute Command element";
229    public static final String HSB_BAD_RESTRICTION_LIST_CODE = "00HSBB08";
230    public static final String HSB_BAD_RESTRICTION_LIST_FAULT_FS =
231            "XMLA SOAP too many Discover RestrictionList element";
233    public static final String HSB_BAD_PROPERTIES_LIST_CODE = "00HSBB09";
234    public static final String HSB_BAD_PROPERTIES_LIST_FAULT_FS =
235            "XMLA SOAP bad Discover or Execute PropertyList element";
237    public static final String HSB_BAD_STATEMENT_CODE = "00HSBB10";
238    public static final String HSB_BAD_STATEMENT_FAULT_FS =
239            "XMLA SOAP bad Execute Statement element";
241    public static final String HSB_BAD_NON_NULLABLE_COLUMN_CODE = "00HSBB16";
242    public static final String HSB_BAD_NON_NULLABLE_COLUMN_FAULT_FS =
243            "XMLA SOAP non-nullable column";
246    public static final String HSB_CONNECTION_DATA_SOURCE_CODE = "00HSBC01";
247    public static final String HSB_CONNECTION_DATA_SOURCE_FAULT_FS =
248            "XMLA connection datasource not found";
250    public static final String HSB_ACCESS_DENIED_CODE = "00HSBC02";
251    public static final String HSB_ACCESS_DENIED_FAULT_FS =
252            "XMLA connection with role must be authenticated";
254    public static final String HSB_PARSE_QUERY_CODE = "00HSBD01";
255    public static final String HSB_PARSE_QUERY_FAULT_FS =
256        "XMLA MDX parse failed";
258    public static final String HSB_EXECUTE_QUERY_CODE = "00HSBD02";
259    public static final String HSB_EXECUTE_QUERY_FAULT_FS =
260        "XMLA MDX execute failed";
262    public static final String HSB_DISCOVER_FORMAT_CODE = "00HSBE01";
263    public static final String HSB_DISCOVER_FORMAT_FAULT_FS =
264            "XMLA Discover format error";
266    public static final String HSB_DRILL_THROUGH_FORMAT_CODE = "00HSBE02";
267    public static final String HSB_DRILL_THROUGH_FORMAT_FAULT_FS =
268            "XMLA Drill Through format error";
270    public static final String HSB_DISCOVER_UNPARSE_CODE = "00HSBE02";
271    public static final String HSB_DISCOVER_UNPARSE_FAULT_FS =
272            "XMLA Discover unparse results error";
274    public static final String HSB_EXECUTE_UNPARSE_CODE = "00HSBE03";
275    public static final String HSB_EXECUTE_UNPARSE_FAULT_FS =
276            "XMLA Execute unparse results error";
278    public static final String HSB_DRILL_THROUGH_NOT_ALLOWED_CODE = "00HSBF01";
279    public static final String HSB_DRILL_THROUGH_NOT_ALLOWED_FAULT_FS =
280            "XMLA Drill Through not allowed";
282    public static final String HSB_DRILL_THROUGH_SQL_CODE = "00HSBF02";
283    public static final String HSB_DRILL_THROUGH_SQL_FAULT_FS =
284            "XMLA Drill Through SQL error";
286    // unknown error while handle soap body
287    public static final String HSB_UNKNOWN_CODE = "00HSBU01";
288    public static final String HSB_UNKNOWN_FAULT_FS =
289            "Unknown error handle soap body";
291    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
292    // Callback Post-Action : CPOSTA
293    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
294    public static final String CPOSTA_CODE = "00CPOSTA01";
295    public static final String CPOSTA_FAULT_FS =
296            "Error in Callback PostAction";
298    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
299    // Marshall Soap Message : MSM
300    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
302    // unknown error while marshalling soap message
303    public static final String MSM_UNKNOWN_CODE = "00MSMU01";
304    public static final String MSM_UNKNOWN_FAULT_FS =
305            "Unknown error marshalling soap message";
307    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
308    // Unknown error : UE
309    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
310    public static final String UNKNOWN_ERROR_CODE = "00UE001";
311    // While this is actually "unknown", for users "internal"
312    // is a better term
313    public static final String UNKNOWN_ERROR_FAULT_FS = "Internal Error";
317// End XmlaConstants.java